Concurso relato de terror del CEIPSO El Encinar

En el mes de octubre del presente curso académico 2022-2023 hemos realizado la actividad anual llamada Concurso de relato corto de terror en la cual han participado los alumnos de 3o y 4o de ESO.

La actividad, que hemos hecho coincidir con la festividad anglosajona de Halloween, comienza con la comunicación y animación a los alumnos para participar en dicho concurso, seguida de una explicación en el aula donde se habla de qué directrices han de seguir para escribir un buen relato en Lengua Inglesa. Los relatos van acompañados de unos pop-up realizados en la clase de EPVA. Los profesores-correctores de los relatos se reunieron para decidir los tres mejores relatos de los cuales el primer ganador tendría la oportunidad de ver su relato publicado en la revista municipal. Además, todos los alumnos premiados recibieron una mochila de regalo. Dada la gran participación en el concurso y la buena experiencia para nuestros alumnos, volveremos a hacer la actividad el curso que viene con la ilusión de este año.

A continuación podemos leer el relato ganador:


Weird happenings

Millie was a normal girl who lived in a small town in Indiana, she and her friends liked to hang out in the woods near her house. Sometimes they pretended to hunt monsters. One day though, it stopped being pretend and it started to feel real.

“Guys, we should go back, it’s really dark” her friend Daniel Holiday said. “Don’t be such a wuss

Dany,” she said, “you scared of the dark?”

“No but…” Dany trailed off, “whatever”.

They continued through the woods and everything was going fine until they heard a twig snap behind them. They all turned quickly, Luke Stevens, Millie’s boyfriend, screamed.

All the flashlights turned to focus on a boy who had his hands up. “Sorry, sorry, it’s just me,” William Brown said.

They all sighed in relief.

“Will, you idiot” Luke sighed.

”I-” Will started but he was interrupted by a screeching sound behind them. “Uh, ok, that wasn’t me,” Will said.

“Where’s Ellie?” Michael West said.

“Oh no “ Danny breathed and they all started running towards the screeching sound.

What they saw was something they’d never seen before and would never forget. Ever.

Millie’s best friend Eleanor Harrington was lying on the floor, a monster on top of her. Her hands were up, trying to keep it away. “Hey!” Millie yelled, drawing the monster’s attention to her.

The monster was slimy and gross and it had very sharp teeth. It got up off of Eleanor and at its full height, it was maybe 1.80 m. Millie had no idea what to do now that the monster was nearing her, she just stood frozen in place, when someone ran up behind the monster with a scream and stabbed a sharp stick into the side of the monster’s neck. The monster fell to the floor, revealing that the person with the stick had been Will.

“You ok?”he asked.

Millie laughed in surprise, who knew shy, introverted Will Brown could kill a monster?

“Yeah, I’m good,” she said, then rushed over to Ellie, “are you ok?”, Ellie nodded.

In the background she heard Mike panicking over Will (“ Are you ok? Oh god, you could’ve been hurt! Are you hurt??!!”).

Millie rolled her eyes, Mike had always been protective of Will. When she turned around, they were making out. Well THAT was new. “Uh, guys, as nice as this is, I don’t think it’s dead- “ Luke was cut off when the monster pounced on him.

The kids never made it out of the woods that day.

No one ever heard from them again.

Nadia Lorenzo González - 3oB - CEIPSO El Encinar


Halloween 1Halloween 4

Halloween 3Halloween 2


Reportaje publicado en el nº 390 de la Revista de Torre. Puede descargar el archivo pdf de la revista aquí


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